
Product listing service

We help online retailers list thousands of products in their own web store or other stores such as Amazon and eBay. We use specialist tools like Turbolister and other third party tools to bulk load your listing.

We work on a fixed or hourly price for our listing services. Our price includes collecting image, cropping, creating large image, creating thumbnail image, writing description, adding price, updating quantity and stock.

Just assemble your product listing data and send it to us with information including pictures (as it is), product description and quantity

We can work on the following tasks for you

  • Crop and edit pictures
  • Add custom long and short description
  • Search and add SEO keywords
  • Create meta tags
  • Create specification charts if required

Finally when the listings are ready, use your eBay, Amazon and other templates to update your product list in these sites.

Just send your product list by end of your day. We will finish all these tasks and upload them to the sites before you start your work the next day. Our staff work during your night time, so you get 24 hour productivity.

Some of our specialist product listing tasks includes

  • Create frames for your pictures
  • Find and add keywords
  • Add logos or watermarks
  • Adjust lighting and background
  • Check compliance to the policies of the sites you list at
  • Create technical charts
  • Specification and size charts
  • Design new templates
  • Create specification charts if required

We will make your Amazon or eBay store look professional. Contact us today to get a free quote and find out how we can positively impact your online business.

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